Change law! Invited to Houses of Parliament to give evidence to change law!

2013 February 04

Created by Katyia 11 years ago
For those who don't know Shane Johnson & myself were pregnant last year, at our 20 week scan we found out that our son was going to be disabled, after many tests there seemed possibilities we couldn't ignore so we decided at 24 Weeks we still wanted to carry on with our pregnancy, unfortunately once Lucian was born he was unable to breathe properly & he went to sleep at 9hours old in our arms on 23 Oct 2012. Since then we've told his story to raise money for SANDS Charity and his story has gone global. We were then Invited down to the Houses Of Parliament on 4th Feb to give oral evidence to Change the Legislation for: Disabled Fetal Termination - which is up to 40 Weeks & Including Birth!. Which I believe is completely and utterly inexcusable! I'm personally wanting it to be reduced to at least 24weeks! They found out everything for me, Shane, Lucian at 24 weeks' I believe there's no reason to allow it to happen beyond this point and its happening for disabilities which can be corrected after birth ie Club foot! If so please visit below, My oral evidence can be viewed below
